Welcome Letter for Families of New Elementary Students

letter opening
Dear New Open World Academy Families,

Welcome to the New Open World Academy!  We are looking forward to an amazing 2024-2025 school year! You will be joining the greatest community of students, parents, and staff members who are deeply committed to our NOW Academy Family. The first day of school begins Monday, August 12, 2024 at 8:30 am. This letter provides information necessary for a successful school year.

Getting to/from School: Students from TK - Grade 5 must enter and exit through the 8th Street Elementary gate entrance only. Please do not park in front of the school during morning drop off or afterschool pick up times. 

School Schedule:  At 8:25 am the whistle is blown.  Students can line up on the playground beginning at 8:00 am and wait for their teacher who will lead them to the classroom. School is dismissed at 2:53 pm on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays and at 1:48 pm on Mondays.  TK, Kindergarten & 1st grade students will be dismissed directly from their classroom by their teacher. Please pick up your students promptly after school.

Lining Up for Class the First Day of School:  Students in grades Tk-5th grade line up for class on the playground/big yard. Parents are welcome to accompany their children to their class lineup until Friday, August 16, 2024. Beginning Monday, August 19th only students will enter campus to line up in the morning. 

Backpack & Supplies:  All students should have an age appropriate backpack. TK or Kindergarten do not require a backpack. However, your child can bring a lunch bag with food and/or healthy snacks and reusable water bottles. All items should be clearly labeled. 

Breakfast/Lunch/Snacks: Breakfast in the Classroom (BIC) is served daily at 8:30 am. It is important that students arrive on time to participate in the breakfast program. Nutritious lunches are prepared and offered daily.  All parents must complete an annual household income form each year, whether or not you would like your child to eat school lunch. Please read and complete the application thoroughly. If children wish, they may bring lunch from home.

School Attire:  It is mandatory that students have shoes with both closed toes and closed heels (no sandals, Crocs or boots).  The shoes should allow your child to participate comfortably in physical education and play during recess and lunch.  Our children are outside and subject to sun exposure.  Please consider this as you dress your children for school. The school’s uniform is a light blue or royal blue shirt with dark colored pants/skirts. 

  • Student Council sponsors themed days throughout the year.

After School Programs:  Please contact the afterschool program supervisors for YS and Woodcraft Rangers for details. 

Volunteering:  The school has many diverse and exciting opportunities that are available for parents to lend a hand and volunteer.  In addition to Friends of NOW Academy , FoNA Parent Teacher Organization volunteer activities, teachers will provide you with details of how to volunteer in the classroom. 

Upcoming Dates:






5:00-6:00 p.m.

Back to School Night


Communication:  NOW Academy keeps in touch with its families in multiple ways to keep you apprised of all the upcoming events and happenings at our school.

  • Parent Portal - to register you will need an email address and your child’s information. Please contact our community representative for assistance.
  • Weekly Connect Ed (phone calls/email/text message)
  • Our school website
  • Periodic flyers and calendars sent home and our marquee that is located at the front of the school on 8th Street.

FoNA (Friends of NOW Academy ) Parent Teacher Organization:  Our dedicated parent group is available to help make your transition smooth.  Please feel free to contact members of Friends of NOW Academy - FoNA, and our School Site Council with questions and ideas. In addition, all parents are encouraged to attend FoNA Parent Teacher Organization meetings throughout the school year.

NOW Academy  is so fortunate to have such a dedicated and talented staff that will partner with you and your family to maximize your child’s success. We are looking forward to a wonderful year filled with growth, discovery and achievement!


Martha Atilano


New Open World Academy